
Bethesda, MD
United States

Army medic works on simulated patient to perform GSW triage

Stop the Bleeding

Do you remember the last time you were watching a movie and someone administered first aid to a gunshot victim? You probably heard the phrase, “apply pressure to stop the bleeding.” A technology transfer project administered by HJF is hoping to make that phrase even shorter, no pressure, just “stop the bleeding.”

Controlling Hemorrhaging

Control of hemorrhaging, or bleeding, is the first critical step in delivering first aid, performing surgery and administering battlefield trauma care. FASTCLOT® is a patented first aid tool that began with a co-invention by Dr. Stephen Rothwell, at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences (USU), and researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). FASTCLOT® bandages include proteins called fibrinogen and thrombin which are critical for blood clotting.



Through a process called electrospinning, the researchers were able to build a matrix, or scaffold, between sugar and the clotting proteins. This innovation led to the creation of FASTCLOT® bandages. When applied to a liquid, such as blood, fibers dissolve and release the proteins into the wound to rapidly control bleeding.

After this blood saving invention was created, HJF helped the researchers develop a protection strategy for the intellectual property of the invention and helped facilitate the contracts necessary to get the product to market. These contracts included an inter-institutional agreement, nondisclosure agreements, an exclusive license agreement, and a CRADA to enable this exciting and patented technology to be commercialized by St. Teresa Medical, Inc.

Because of HJF’s efforts, through technology transfer, to get this vital technological advancement into the field, maybe “apply pressure to stop the bleeding” might soon be shortened to, “stop the bleeding.”

Services Provided

Research Program Operations

We collaborate on research programs in diverse environments across the globe.

Technology Transfer

HJF’s Technology Transfer department facilitates the transition of innovations developed by HJF and DoD partners.

Regulatory Compliance

<p><span><span>HJF provides research compliance oversight and monitoring to our partners in the military medical community.</span></span></p>