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Filter by Research Focus Area

Title Opportunity Number Sponsor Closing Date Research Area
Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PA-23-189 NIH 2026-05-08
Pilot Studies for the Spectrum of Alzheimer's Disease/Alzheimer's Disease-Related Dementias and Age-Related Cognitive Decline (R61 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-23-083 NIH 2024-10-18
CCRP Initiative: NIH Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats (CounterACT) Translational Exploratory/Developmental Research Projects (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-23-139 NIH 2025-05-30
Clinical Trials to Test the Effectiveness of Treatment, Preventive, and Services Interventions (R01 Clinical Trial Required) PAR-21-130 NIH 2024-10-15
Engineering Durable HIV Vaccine Responses (ENDURE) (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (FY24) RFA-AI-24-025 NIH 2024-10-09
Research Project Grant (Parent R01 Clinical Trial Required) PA-20-183 NIH 2025-01-08
American Cancer Society - Discovery Boost Grant (FY24) ACS - DBG FY24 ACS 2024-10-15
Small R01s for Clinical Trials Targeting Diseases within the Mission of NIDDK (R01 Clinical Trial Required) PAS-23-086 NIH 2026-05-07
Development of Psychosocial Therapeutic and Preventive Interventions for Mental Disorders (R33 Clinical Trial Required) PAR-21-134 NIH 2024-10-15
NIDA, NIMH, NINR, and NINDS Research Opportunities for New and "At-Risk" Investigatorsto Promote Workforce Diversity (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-22-181 NIH 2025-06-07
Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA) for Undergraduate-Focused Institutions(R15 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-24-152 NIH 2027-05-08
HEAL Initiative: NIH-DOD-VA Pain Management Collaboratory Pragmatic and/or Implementation Science Demonstration Projects ((UG3/UH3) Clinical Trial Required) (FY25) RFA-AT-24-011 NIH 2024-11-07
NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (Parent R21 Clinical Trial Required) PA-20-194 NIH 2025-01-08
Innovation Grants to Nurture Initial Translational Efforts (IGNITE): Neurotherapeutic Agent Characterization and In vivo Efficacy Studies (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-21-122 NIH 2024-10-21
NINDS Advanced Institutional Research Training Program (T32 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-24-126 NIH 2026-05-26
ADRD Risk and Disease Following Nervous System Exposures at Biological Interfaces withthe Environment (R01 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-24-270 NIH 2024-11-19
NCMRR Early Career Research Award (R03 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-23-029 NIH 2025-03-29
Global Brain and Nervous System Disorders Research Across the Lifespan (R01 Clinical Trials Optional) PAR-22-097 NIH 2024-12-10
Research on Autism Spectrum Disorders (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) PA-21-200 NIH 2024-11-18
UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY Broad Agency Announcement W911NF-20-S-0008 DoD 2025-03-31
Resources Access for Preclinical Integrated Drug Development (RAPIDD) Program X01 (FY24) PAR-22-185 NIH 2025-01-18
Research Project Grant (Parent R01 Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required) PA-20-184 NIH 2025-01-08
CDMRP Multiple Sclerosis Research Program Investigator-Initiated Research Award (FY24) HT942524MSRPIIRA CDMRP 2024-10-07
World Trade Center Health Program Mentored Research Scientist Career Development Award (K01) RFA-OH-24-004 NIH 2025-10-29
Novel Approaches for Radiation Biodosimetry and Medical Countermeasure Development (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (FY25) RFA-AI-24-041 NIH 2024-11-01
NEI Cooperative Agreement for Early-Stage Clinical Trials with Greater than Minimal Risk (U01 Clinical Trial Required) PAR-22-149 NIH 2025-05-07
Effectiveness Trials for Post-Acute Interventions and Services to Optimize Longer-term Outcomes (R01 Clinical Trial Required) PAR-21-210 NIH 2025-01-25
NCI Clinical and Translational Exploratory/Developmental Studies (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-22-216 NIH 2025-07-01
World Trade Center Health Research related to WTC Survivors (U01-No Applications with Responders Accepted) RFA-0H-22-004 CDC 2024-12-13
Exploratory/Developmental Bioengineering Research Grants (EBRG) (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-22-091 NIH 2025-01-07
NINDS Exploratory Clinical Trials (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Required) PAR-22-142 NIH 2025-03-10
Exploratory/Developmental Bioengineering Research Grants (EBRG) (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-22-090 NIH 2025-01-07
Assay Validation of High Quality Markers for Clinical Studies in Cancer (UH2/UH3 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-23-313 NIH 2026-10-15
HEAL Initiative: Discovery and Validation of Novel Targets for Safe and Effective Pain Treatment (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-NS-22-034 NIH 2024-12-06
Large Research Projects for Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections (R01) PA-21-265 NIH 2025-05-27
PAR-24-035: Exploratory Clinical Trial Grants in Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (R61 Clinical Trial Required) PAR-24-035 NIH 2026-11-02
Multidisciplinary Studies of HIV/AIDS and Aging (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-24-091 NIH 2027-01-08
NEI Regenerative Medicine Clinical Trial Planning Grant (R34 - Clinical Trials Not Allowed) PAR-22-070 NIH 2025-01-07
HEAL Initiative: Translational Development of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Devices (R18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-EB-22-002 NIH 2025-06-18
American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellowship FY25 ACS PF FY25 American Cancer Society (ACS) 2024-10-15
Pilot Effectiveness Trials for Treatment, Preventive and Services Interventions (R34 Clinical Trial Required) PAR-21-131 NIH 2024-10-16
Accelerating the Pace of Drug Abuse Research Using Existing Data (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-DA-24-037 NIH 2024-11-15
Research on Autism Spectrum Disorders (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) PA-21-201 NIH 2025-01-25
Development of Medications to Prevent and Treat Opioid and/or Stimulant Use Disorders and Overdose (UG3/UH3 - Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-22-200 NIH 2025-09-02
CDMRP Multiple Sclerosis Research Program Clinical Trial Award (FY24) HT942524MSRPCTA CDMRP 2024-10-07
NIAID Investigator Initiated Program Project Applications (P01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-22-225 NIH 2025-09-08
Prospective Observational Comparative Effectiveness Research in Clinical Neurosciences (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-22-076 NIH 2025-05-07
Bioengineering Research Grants (BRG) (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-22-242 NIH 2025-09-08
Pilot Effectiveness Trials for Post-Acute Interventions and Services to Optimize Longer-term Outcomes (R34 Clinical Trial Required) PAR-21-211 NIH 2025-01-25
Understanding Mechanisms and Outcomes of Trained Immunity (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-24-111 NIH 2027-01-07
NEI Regenerative Medicine Clinical Trial Planning Grant (R34 - Clinical Trials Not Allowed) PAR-22-135 NIH 2025-05-07
Large Research Projects for Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria (CARB) (R01) PA-22-047 NIH 2026-10-30
NIAID Clinical Trial Implementation Cooperative Agreement (U01 Clinical Trial Required) PAR-24-100 NIH 2027-01-14
NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (Parent R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PA-20-195 NIH 2025-01-08
NCI Small Grants Program for Cancer Research for Years 2023, 2024, and 2025 (NCI Omnibus) (R03 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-23-058 NIH 2026-01-08
Opportunities for HIV Cure Strategies at the Time of ART Initiation (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-23-297 NIH 2026-09-08
American Cancer Society Research Scholar Grant FY25 ACS RSG FY25 American Cancer Society (ACS) 2024-10-15
NIH Small Research Grant Program (Parent R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PA-20-200 NIH 2025-01-08
NIH Research Project Grant (Parent R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PA-20-185 NIH 2025-01-08
Social disconnection and Suicide Risk in Late Life (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-23-239 NIH 2026-09-08
Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (Parent K01 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PA-20-190 NIH 2026-09-08
Technology Development to Reduce Health Disparities (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-EB-21-001 NIH 2025-05-02
CDMRP Multiple Sclerosis Research Program Early Investigator Research Award (FY24) HT942524MSRPEIRA CDMRP 2024-10-07
Innovations to Optimize HIV Prevention and Care Continuum Outcomes (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-23-062 NIH 2026-01-10
NIMH Short Courses for Mental Health Related Research (R25 -Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-23-265 NIH 2025-05-26
Exploratory Grants in Cancer Control (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-21-341 NIH 2024-10-08
CDMRP Multiple Sclerosis Research Program Exploration - Hypothesis Development Award (FY24) HT942524MSRPEHDA CDMRP 2024-10-07
Bioengineering Partnerships with Industry (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-22-123 NIH 2025-01-07
Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (R35 - Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-22-180 NIH 2025-05-17
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Standard Research Innovation Grant FY24 ASFP SRIG FY24 AFSP 2024-11-15
Office of Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) BAA-23-100-SOL-00004 BARDA 2028-09-25
NINDS Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) for Training of Postdoctoral Fellows (F32 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-21-032 NIH 2025-01-07
Alcohol Health Services Research (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) (FY24) PAR-23-251 NIH 2024-10-07
USSOCOM BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT (BAA) for Extramural Biomedical and Human Performance Research and Development (FY24) HT9425-23-S-SOC1 USSOCOM 2028-07-31
Single-Site Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trials (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Required) PAR-22-189 NIH 2025-09-11
Basic Research in Cancer Health Disparities (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-24-291 NIH 2024-10-16
Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-22-109 NIH 2024-10-16
Confirmatory Efficacy Clinical Trials of Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Mental Disorders (R01 Clinical Trial Required) PAR-21-132 NIH 2024-10-15
Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA) for Early Stage Investigators (ESI) (R35 - Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-23-145 NIH 2026-02-04
Research Opportunities in Established Cancer Epidemiology Cohort Studies (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-22-162 NIH 2025-02-28
NEI Research Grant for Vision-Related Secondary Data Analysis (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-22-141 NIH 2025-05-07
NLM Research Grants in Biomedical Informatics and Data Science (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-23-034 NIH 2026-01-08
NIH Research Project Grant (Parent R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PA-20-185 NIH 2025-01-07
Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PA-23-189 NIH 2026-05-08
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