TVMI Published Papers and Posters


Published Papers

Aronson, K. R., Perkins, D. F., Morgan, N. R., Bleser, J. A., Vogt, D., Copeland, L. A., … Gilman, C. L. (n.d.). Use of Health Services Among Post-9/11 Veterans With Mental Health Conditions Within 90 Days of Separation From the Military. Psychiatric Services. doi: 10.1176/ [LINK]

U.S. Military Veterans’ Health and Well-Being in the First Year After Service Vogt, Dawne S. et al. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Volume 0, Issue 0. [LINK]

Vogt, D. S., Taverna, E. C., Nillni, Y. L., Booth, B., Perkins, D. F., Copeland, L. A., Finley, E. P., Tyrell, F. A., Gilman, C. L. (2019, April). Development and Validation of a Tool to Assess Military Veterans' Status, Functioning, and Satisfaction with Key Aspects of their Lives. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being / Volume 11, Issue 2. [LINK]

Richardson, C.B., Morgan, N.R., Bleser, J.A., Aronson, K.R., Perkins, D.F. (2018, October). A novel approach for evaluating programs designed to serve military veterans: Using an adapted common components analysis. Evaluation and Program Planning. 72 (2019), 145-151. [LINK]

Vogt, D. S., Perkins, D. F., Copeland, L. A., Finley, E. P., Jamieson, C. S., Bradford, B., Lederer, S., and Gilman, C. L. (2018, April). The Veterans Metrics Initiative study of US veterans’ experiences during their transition from military service. BMJ Open. 8:e020732. [LINK]  

Morgan, N. R., Davis, K. D., Richardson, C., and Perkins, D. F. (2018, April). Common components analysis: An adapted approach for evaluating programs. Evaluation and Program Planning. 67, 1-9. [LINK]

Perkins, D. F., Aronson, K. R., and Olson, J. R. (2017, November). Supporting United States Veterans: A review of veteran-focused needs assessments from 2008-2017. University Park, PA: Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness at Penn State. 

Aronson, K. R., Perkins, D. F., Morgan, N. R., Bleser, J. A., Vogt, D., Copeland, L., … Gilman, C. (2019). Post-9/11 Veteran Transitions to Civilian Life: Predictors of the Use of Employment Programs. Journal of Veterans Studies5(1), 14–22. doi: 10.21061/jvs.v5i1.127 [LINK]

TVMI Final Report 2 Nov 2020


Supporting US Veterans Penn State University Report


TVMI Development and Validation of Well-Being Inventory


TVMI Enhancing Understanding


TVMI Development and Validation of Well-Being Inventory

Recently Published

Patterns and Correlates of Racial/Ethnic Differences in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Screening among Recently Separated Veterans


Does Post-Military Stress Mediate the Relationship between Military Sexual Trauma and Well-Being?


Vocational and Social Challenges experienced by Trauma-Exposed Military Veterans after Separation from Military Service


Health and Social Functioning: Examining Reciprocal Effects Among U.S. Deployed Veterans


The Role of Discriminatory Stress in Moderating Racial/Ethnic Differences in Psychiatric Symptom Severity and Mental Health Service Use


U.S. Military Veterans’ Health and Well-Being in the First Year After Service


TVMI Studying Veterans Post-Service Transition Experiences


TVMI Experiences of Stress, Trauma, and PTSD Among Veterans During the military-to-civilian Transition


TVMI Mobile Phone Use and Optimization in Longitudinal Web Panel


ACEs and Combat Exposure on Mental Health Conditions Among 9/11 Veterans






TVMI Study Baseline Predictors


Experiences of stress, trauma, and PTSD among U.S. veterans during the military-to-civilian transition
Finley, E. P., Copeland, L. A., Bramande, E., Nillni, Y., Vogt, D., Perkins, D. E., and Gilman, G. L.

Mobile Phone Use and Optimization in a Longitudinal Web Panel with a Lengthy Veteran Questionnaire – The Veteran Metrics Initiative (TVMI) Study 
Vanderwolf, P., Boyle, J., Copeland, L. A., Finley, E. P., Perkins, D. F., and Vogt, D. S.

Studying Veterans' Post-Service Transition Experiences in an Era of Declining Survey Participation
Vanderwolf, P., Boyle, J., Copeland, L. A., Finley, E. P., Perkins, D. F., Vogt, D. S., and Gilman, C. L.

Application of the Well-Being Inventory to Examine how Post 9/11 Veterans Fare as they Separate from Military Service
Taverna, E. C., Nillni, Y. I., TVMI Study Team, and Vogt, D. S.

Development and Validation of the Well-Being Inventory (WBI): A Comprehensive Tool for the Assessment of Veterans' Status, Functioning, and Satisfaction with Respect to Vocation, Finances, Health, and Social Relationships
Taverna, E. C., Nillni, Y. I., TVMI Study Team, and Vogt, D. S.

The Veterans Metrics Initiative (TVMI) Study: Enhancing Understanding of and Responsiveness to Post 9/11 Veterans' Needs
Vogt, D. S., Taverna, E. C., Nillni, Y. I., and TVMI Study Team

2019 Poster Citations

Health and Social Functioning: Examining Reciprocal Effects Among U.S. Deployed Veterans
Borowski, S., Copeland, L., Perkins, D., Finley, E., Vogt, D.

The Role of Discriminatory Stress in Moderating Racial/Ethnic Differences in Psychiatric Symptom Severity and Mental Health Service Use
McClendon, J., Perkins, D., Finley, E., Copeland, L., Vogt, D.

Patterns and Correlates of Racial/Ethnic Differences in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Screening among Recently Separated Veterans
McClendon, J., Perkins, D., Copeland, L., Finley, E., Vogt, D.

Does Post-Military Stress Mediate the Relationship between Military Sexual Trauma and Well-Being?
Bramande, E. A., Tyrell, F., Finley, E., Vogt, D.

Vocational and Social Challenges experienced by Trauma-Exposed Military Veterans after Separation from Military Service
Vogt, D., Tyrell, F. A., Bramande, E.A., on behalf of the TVMI Study Team

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